Intelligence Rising

               John Dervin ISBN: 1-4502-2338-9 ©2010

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                  This is the second book in a trilogy that explores the current status and future prospects for an evolving humanity in an evolving cosmos. In a prior work (From the Big bang to the Big Brain) we swept across 14 billion years of cosmic history compacted in a couple hundred pages to discover how only recently, in evolutionary time, our species has emerged on a fresh “young” planet called Earth. Now, as we become more aware of our own inner evolutionary drives, we begin, albeit tentatively, to allow our psyches to expand and merge with the larger processes of cosmic evolution. Increasingly, we are aware that the Darwinian imperative to survive as a species has been realized and we have arrived at an evolutionary juncture where many humans are aspiring to move beyond the slowness of biological evolution and into the realm of expanding the mind and consciousness. Darwin has provided a rough outline for the physical development of the various species but his explanations are narrowly limited and can take us only so far when we consider the larger features of cosmic evolution and the expansion of mind.

            The time has come to look at findings coming from the new sciences of chaos, complexity, cognitive psychology, and metaphysics.  From this group of leading-edge thinkers, a trail will be blazed into new conceptual territory and lead us to higher forms of consciousness and the further evolution of the human intellect. An internal drive is emerging within the breasts of humans to transcend the trappings of an ego-dominated existence and to seek discovery of a new human identity. This is evolution in action. We see this broader picture of evolution in the universe as it marches toward increased complexity and as we experience it in ourselves as a compulsion to seek greater intellectual awareness.

Intelligence is the attribute that uniquely defines the human species. The phenomenon of intelligence underlies the acquisition of our knowledge about historical and scientific events. It has shaped the arts, literature, science, and the very cultural environment within which we now almost exclusively spend our lives. As this inquiry proceeds, many of the traditional concepts of individual intelligence will be challenged by new interpretations from a variety of fields. The deeper origins of the mystifying characteristics of mind and intelligence will be investigated. Conventional wisdom states that individual human intelligence results from the activities of neurons within the brain. Now mounting evidence, much of it from quantum physics and other new fields of inquiry, is demonstrating that the human brain is not an isolated, stand-alone device. Rather, it is an integrated component in a universe that is a single, unified system of intelligence in which all parts are interactively connected. This connectivity is especially applicable to the complex patterns in the human brain where electrified neural networks not only process sensory inputs but also resonate with external fields of flowing energy and intelligence in the quantum (q) world.

The position taken here is that intelligence, mind, and consciousness arise not solely from the activities of neurons in an isolated chunk of brain matter. Rather, the human brain, in addition to the processing of information from our sense organs, is increasingly acquiring an ability to tune into the higher frequencies emanating from a q-world laden with intelligence. The clarity of individual intelligence, then, depends on the quality of resonance in the connection between the neural networks in the brain, aided by the surrounding auric or biofield. and the cosmic-wide intelligence fields of the q-world.

We begin with an overview of some of the newest concepts that underpin the idea that we live within a surrounding sea of flowing energy, order, and intelligence. This encompassing envelope of flowing energized intelligence is carried on waveforms. In fact, the very nature of the universe at its most fundamental level is a vast ocean of quantum waves whose cosmic mission is to distribute energy and information.  Science is finding new interest in cosmic fields and biofields of which we are a part.

Our physical senses are tuned to perceive only those waves in a narrow band of the electromagnetic spectrum that we call light and sound. All of the colors and shapes our eyes see in the world result from transformations made inside the brain of this limited range of electromagnetic field energy. Sound waves, too, are converted into information and stored as knowledge in brain circuits. The human brain functions by making sense out of patterns of small electrical waves that propagate from neuron to neuron. As these neuronal patterns become stronger and more complex, experience accumulates and conscious awareness and intelligence increase. In the simplest of terms, our senses pick up waves from the outside world and process them by making a new set of waves inside the brain. All we know are waves.

            In a very real sense, we are a continuation of the evolutionary processes that commenced with the birth of the universe. The innate inclination toward complexity that prevails throughout the universe is now continuing its evolutionary drive via our brain waves that we interpret as consciousness and intelligence. In us, the universe has created self-reflective beings capable of observing and participating in the evolutionary process

            The subject matter to be investigated here is human intelligence, its origins, its past, and its future trajectories. This approach to intelligence will attempt to move beyond traditional academic dogma and to explore eclectically certain emerging concepts from scientific research, along with some of the new systems of thought not currently contained in traditional psychology. We will visit the old positions and propose how promising new ideas have the potential to combine into a coherent synthesis and resolve certain current conflictions. Three themes will override this treatise:

  • Evolution occurs in a broad cosmic sense far beyond the biological confines of Darwinism.
  • Intelligence is perceived in a cosmic-wide sense but also can be narrowed down to its manifestations at the human level.
  • The human brain is not a stand-alone device but is connected to a universal matrix of intelligence.